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Staff journey
Laptops don’t smile…

In the staff journey, employees take centre stage

Your employees are the vital link in each chain of purchasing events. They ensure a smooth process flow in which customer questions are answered within the framework of an excellent shopping experience. The most important thing here, is for the organisation to do everything within its power to facilitate the members of its staff, enabling them to do their work to the best of their abilities.

In everything we do, in all the applications and tools we design and create, we always stay focussed on your employees, preferably making this commitment part of the documented staff journey, describing all of the touchpoints your staff members are likely to deal with in their daily activities. Invariably, our goal in doing so is to help your people take the next step in their personal performance levels. And this is where digital solutions can make a real difference. Our intention is always to take employee expertise online, while making online information available to them. This way, people can learn from each other’s experiences, which in the end, will result in improvement of the purchasing process.

Staff and customer journey – two sides of the same coin

In the course of a staff journey, our attention is not exclusively focussed on the future role of an employee in your organisation. We also look at the changing role of your customers. In our journeys, our goal is to create a symbiosis between the two, so that customer solutions do not result in just another piece of workload for your employee, but an improved addition
to the work process.

In order to do this in a way that is tailored to the nature of your organisation, it is vital that we maintain an open dialogue with your staff members so that we can script their journey according to their needs. In conversations with your employees, we discuss the challenges they experience in their daily work and review existing processes to see where there is room for improvement. Additionally, we like to get actively involved in the actual work being performed in your various departments, so we can get a first-hand feel of what a typical working day looks like. This is also a great way of creating support, because at the end of a day on the work floor, we truly know what it’s like to be a part of your organisation.

Based on discussions of the staff journey with your employees, we then create a digital roadmap for the next stage of the process.

Wij helpen bij het opzetten van succesvolle digital commerce oplossingen

Digital commerce zijn alle oplossingen die jouw organisatie extra omzet opleveren. Wij helpen bedrijven met een heldere en pragmatische analyse van het online landschap en adviseren waar extra waarde is toe te voegen. Ons uitgangspunt is dat de oplossing toekomstbestendig is en flexibel zodat wij jouw organisatie verder brengen door te blijven groeien. 

Wat kan je voor ons verwachten?


Onze diensten

Digital commerce

Vanuit onze Unified Commerce visie ontwikkelen wij apps en composable commerce platformen die onze opdrachtgevers extra omzet opleveren.

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Digital strategy

Met uitvoerbare roadmaps waarin zowel klant als medewerker centraal staan, helpen wij opdrachtgevers met de digitale transformatie.

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Digital solutions

Besparen met slimme, digitale oplossingen. Wij helpen opdrachtgevers bij het kiezen of ontwikkelen van de juiste tools en functionaliteiten voor hun organisatie.

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Want to know how a staff journey can help your employees?

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contact us directly? Feel free to call us at 031 (0)252 – 75 02 75