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Digital Commerce
We develop unified commerce environments for your organisation that are future-proof thanks to composable commerce and a headless approach.

We help set up successful digital commerce solutions

Digital commerce is Kega's vision that brings additional revenue to your organization. We help companies with a clear and pragmatic analysis of the online landscape and advise where extra value can be added. Our starting point is a future-proof and flexible solution that helps your organisation to grow further.

What can you expect from us?

Wij helpen bij het opzetten van succesvolle digital commerce oplossingen

Digital commerce zijn alle oplossingen die jouw organisatie extra omzet opleveren. Wij helpen bedrijven met een heldere en pragmatische analyse van het online landschap en adviseren waar extra waarde is toe te voegen. Ons uitgangspunt is dat de oplossing toekomstbestendig is en flexibel zodat wij jouw organisatie verder brengen door te blijven groeien. 

Wat kan je voor ons verwachten?


Guide you to the ideal digital commerce environment

We help companies grow by making the right choices for their digital roadmap

Stay ahead of technological developments

We know what is needed now to be successful in the future

Connect with the right partners

We help choosing the right partners and ensure their implementation

How our experts help with your digital commerce issues

A strong digital commerce environment is flexible and ready for the future. We help our clients by knowing what it takes now to be ready for the future. Headless is the keyword here for us.

Unified commerce

We integrate all existing



We prefer to build progressive

Composable commerce

We see composable commerce

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We sometimes argue about taste but

Onze diensten

Digital commerce

Vanuit onze Unified Commerce visie ontwikkelen wij apps en composable commerce platformen die onze opdrachtgevers extra omzet opleveren.

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Digital strategy

Met uitvoerbare roadmaps waarin zowel klant als medewerker centraal staan, helpen wij opdrachtgevers met de digitale transformatie.

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Digital solutions

Besparen met slimme, digitale oplossingen. Wij helpen opdrachtgevers bij het kiezen of ontwikkelen van de juiste tools en functionaliteiten voor hun organisatie.

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Check out how we have helped clients with their digital strategy

All the ins & outs about Composable Commerce

We believe in the flexibility that composable commerce offers organisations. Every component of the digital commerce environment can be quickly and easily modified or replaced without large or complicated migrations. Want to learn more about the benefits composable commerce offers? Download our white paper about the future of e-commerce here.

Get in touch with us

Want to know how we can help your organisation with a digital commerce solution?
Then fill in the contact form, and we'll get back to you within one business day.
Want to contact us directly? Call us at 0252-75 02 75.