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Unlocking the full potential


We are Kega

For more than 25 years, we have been delivering digital solutions that drive our clients' business forward. Together with 70 passionate colleagues, we design smart strategies and develop effective solutions. Thanks to a healthy dose of guts, we also change the business outcome of your company.

 Discover for yourself how we make it happen.


  Why Kega?

How do we drive your business forward?


We excel in digital commerce and digital strategy. We develop smart, digital solutions that help your business grow.




All the ins & outs about Composable Commerce


We believe in the flexibility that composable commerce offers organizations. Every component of the digital commerce environment can be quickly and easily modified or replaced without large or complicated migrations. Want to learn more about the benefits which composable commerce offers? Download our white paper about the future of e-commerce.


  Work Process

Our Services


Digital commerce

From our Unified Commerce vision, we develop apps and composable commerce platforms that bring our clients additional revenue.

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Digital strategy

With executable roadmaps in which both customer and employee are central, we help clients with digital transformation.

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Digital solutions

Save with smart, digital solutions. We help clients choose or develop the right tools and functionalities for their organisation.

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Onze diensten

Digital commerce

Vanuit onze Unified Commerce visie ontwikkelen wij apps en composable commerce platformen die onze opdrachtgevers extra omzet opleveren.

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Digital strategy

Met uitvoerbare roadmaps waarin zowel klant als medewerker centraal staan, helpen wij opdrachtgevers met de digitale transformatie.

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Digital solutions

Besparen met slimme, digitale oplossingen. Wij helpen opdrachtgevers bij het kiezen of ontwikkelen van de juiste tools en functionaliteiten voor hun organisatie.

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For inspiration, check out our projects

"By 2023, organizations that have adopted a composable approach will outpace the competition by 80% in the speed of new feature implementation."


 Let's apply!

We need professional daredevils.

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