25 september 2017

Kega partner of Toshiba Retail Innovation Theatre in Madrid

On 25 September, Toshiba opened its experience centre in Madrid. Toshiba was able to build this retail theatre with the help of various partners. The central focus is on shopping in the future, how the consumer will behave and what solutions these different partners can offer. Kega is very proud to be among these international partners. 

About the Retail Innovation Theatre in Madrid
The way consumers are shopping is constantly changing and this also changes the role of the store personnel. Today's consumer expects more personal approach and a richer shopping experience.  In Madrid, you now have the chance to experience how you can provide “Brilliant Commerce™” as a retailer from the customer journey viewpoint. In other words, these solutions help retailers move forward in retailing, with payment solutions that include frictionless check-out, self-payment kiosks, scanning, digital pricing, ‘no waste’ solutions, so-called employee engagement solutions, and more.

Toshiba - Gerard Pruijn, European Retail Sales Executive
'Toshiba's Retail Innovation Theatre welcomes you to ENGAGE. EXPERIENCE. INTERACT. Showcasing exciting shopping journeys that expose the path to Brilliant Commerce™.'

Kega solutions in Innovation Theatre
You can check out the following solutions of Kega in the Innovation Theatre in Madrid:

  • Home Shopping app
    An easy-to-use Click & Collect app that allows you to make your shopping list at home on your phone and scan the items at the shop for added convenience. Includes integrated personal offers.
  • Retail InTouch app
    Encourage passion among the store staff -> create engagement in order to empower the staff in providing better service for the customers!
  • Order collection / delivery app
    Order picking app for the staff in the store that also helps deliver the shopping to the consumer's home address.

These solutions all help create enthusiastic and passionate employees, who are now more informed and empowered to provide better service to the customer.
And with the help of the Home Shopping app, the consumer can plan the best suitable delivery time of the shopping.

More about the Innovation Theatre
Check out the website about Retail Innovation Theatre for more information. If you would like to learn more about the Retail Innovation Theatre or visit the Theatre, please contact Johanna van Drongelen, johanna.vandrongelen@kega.nl or call +31 (0)252-750275.

Entrance movie Toshiba Experience Theatre
Finally, have a look at the partner animation film before entering the Retail Innovation Theatre. It's a trigger containing many of the partner solutions that can be experienced in the theatre, created by Kega. 


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