The proof is in the Content
And then there was content marketing. Now that omnichannel has become somewhat self-evident, the brands and retailers are now setting their sights on the latest ‘buzzword’: content marketing. There is a certain realisation sinking in with brands or retailers that, amidst all the competition, the key to staying ahead of the pack is to distinguish yourself. But then the question arises: how do you make it clear to potential customers to buy your product or service? What makes your product so special? Reason enough to produce more and more ‘evidence’ – in the shape of content – to persuade the customer. But just how persuasive is that content? And is it really what the consumer wants? There may be an urgency to carry out the distinguishing factor, but the consumer will only be open to it if this distinguishing factor is relevant to him, if he senses that you understand him. If you can achieve relevance, you can gain the trust and build a bond, ultimately resulting in brand preference.
The distinguishing factor: your heart and soul
In order to be unique, it is very important to find a persuasive, ‘distinguishing factor’; to tell your story in a way that appeals to your target audience, in a form and through a channel of their choice. Joe Pullizi, the renowned content marketing guru, strongly advises that you look for your own ‘sweet spot’. Or in other words: find those topics that