Sharing big ideas

The concept of the Smartech stores was born out of a sense of frustration. “Everyone was writing and talking about innovation but there was nowhere you could discover these exciting products and play with them in a retail setting,“ according to Jacov Nachtailer, Smartech’s founder. In August 2016, Selfridges became the new home of affordable electronics, computer, gadgets and accessories. Nowadays you’ll discover 50 sqm of innovative products from more than 60 brands here.

The idea of innovation and smart products is to simplify life, but the technology can be confusing, sometimes even intimidating. So Smartech offers consumers onsite support from specially trained experts who’ve made it their mission to introduce innovation to customers, explain the most cutting-edge technology in an engaging way and invite customers to try it first-hand. It’s a unique customer experience: the expert staff is so enthusiastic, you’ll never, not for a moment, feel pushed into a sale.

Curious about the innovation they bring to the retail floor? The innovations include well-known brands such as the Ring and the Spectacles from Snapchat but mostly you’ll encounter niche devices from companies that launch on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Therefore giving these start-up companies who are new to traditional retail channels, a retail space. Take a look at their smartechworld Instagram account to learn all about the latest innovations. Or visit a Smartech store in one of the luxurious department stores through Europe: Selfridges in London, Printemps in Paris, KaDeWe in Berlin or the Bijenkorf in Amsterdam, for example.

“Everyone was writing and talking about innovation but there was nowhere you could discover these exciting products and play with them in a retail setting.“

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